Enhanced conversions with GA4
Enhanced Conversions in a cookie-less future With recent technological developments, tracking users online has become increasingly difficult. Advertisers face constant challenges in our cookieless future. With new legislation being introduced on regular basis (think of GDPR and popular browsers blocking third-party parties), it has made it harder for us as analysts and marketeers to understand our […]
Comparing Client-Side and Server-Side Tracking

All businesses need to become more familiar with Google’s newest Analytics platform. If you want to learn how GA4 can be integrated into your marketing strategies, providing actionable insights for optimising campaigns and reducing your costs, this article is for you
Google Analytics Banned In EU?

Our Point Of View Recently, the Austrian Data Protection Authority (DPA) has released its decision regarding the use of Google Analytics. The DPA found out that an Austrian company was using Google Analytics (GA) on their website, which involved transferring personal data to Google LLC in the United States.This was, according to their ruling, a violation […]
Google Search Console association page
You can associate Google Search Console with various Google services Starting today, Google Search Console offers an enhanced Association page that allows you to link your Search Console property to another Google-managed entity, e.g. a Google Analytics account, a Chrome Web Store account, or a YouTube channel. “I have already associated my GA account […]
Up Analytics Named Top B2B Marketing Agency
Up Analytics Named by Clutch as a Top B2B Marketing Agency Digital marketing is increasingly becoming a vital aspect when it comes to business growth. With a global online population of over 4 billion, it is extremely important that companies take advantage of these numbers to grow their businesses through digital marketing. Here at Up […]
Top 3 Google products that helped businesses survive 2020
Top 3 Google products that helped businesses survive 2020 Google has been pleasantly surprising both business owners and customers throughout 2020. What started out as a support on local search by introducing specific COVID-19 attributes and updates, has turned into completely shifting the user experience in alignment to the already changed customer behaviour. Here’s an […]
You can now message businesses on Google Maps
Google makes communication between businesses and clients easier Google keeps rolling out new features that help companies achieve results. Just recently, Google released a new way for businesses to communicate with customers directly from the Maps platform. Users can now ask questions and receive a real-time response via a message. People who are browsing nearby […]
Google planning to launch free Shopping listings in EMEA in mid-October
Free Shopping listings have finally arrived in EMEA! As we mentioned earlier this year, Google has been preparing to introduce the free Shopping listings campaign globally. And just now, they have announced its launch. In times of economic instability, businesses of all sizes are striving for survival. Now, more than ever, it is important […]
Google Shopping tab will host free listings – global launch by end of the year!
Free Listings will be introduced on the Google Shopping tab globally by the end of the year The retail sector has faced many threats over the years, which have only intensified during the coronavirus pandemic. With physical stores shuttered, digital commerce has become a lifeline for retailers. And as consumers increasingly shop online, they’re searching […]
Search results on the Google Shopping tab will consist primarily of free product listings
Google is making a huge change to its product search offering, meaning that unpaid listings picked by algorithm will dominate results displayed on the Google Shopping tab instead of mostly paid product listings. This will change the game. Read more about the update from Google here.